Posted 3 weeks, 5 days ago // No Comments

We’d like to thank everyone who proposed sessions for Wakanday. The application period has now ended.

We’ve already selected some great sessions and are still going through more of your proposals to put together the schedule for October 15. We’re very excited by the presentations you’ve suggested and can’t wait ’til we get to see them live in Boston.

In the meantime, whether you’re attending or already lined up to speak, we’ve provided a couple of badges you can put on your own site to let people know you’re going to be at Wakanday. Feel free to grab these images and link to or simply copy the code to insert on your site.


JS.everywhere(Boston, Oct, 15); // I'm coming

<a href="/?badge=coming" title="JS.everywhere(Boston, October, 15) | Wakanday 2011" target="_blank"><img width="180" height="60" alt="JS.everywhere(Boston, Oct, 15); // I'm coming" src="/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/badge-wakanday-meet.jpg" /></a>


JS.everywhere(Boston, Oct, 15); // I'm speaking

<a href="/?badge=speaking" title="JS.everywhere(Boston, October, 15) | Wakanday 2011" target="_blank"><img width="180" height="60" alt="JS.everywhere(Boston, Oct, 15); // I'm speaking" src="/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/badge-wakanday-speak.jpg" /></a>


You’re also more than welcome to announce your presence on Lanyrd, where you can also see who else is going.

Following are Lanyrd’s instructions for adding a Lanyrd badge to your site:

Lanyrd personal badges enable you to display information about the conferences you are speaking at, attending, involved with or tracking on your own website.

We have designed the badges to be as configurable as possible while providing some default styles for you to use if you want.

You need to do two things in order for the badge to work:

Include this script tag somewhere in your document. We suggest either adding it to the <head> section or placing it directly before your closing </body> tag.

<script src=""></script>

Include a configuration link to your Lanyrd profile somewhere on your page. This tells us your username and can be further configured with class names to control how you want your badge or badges to look. For example:

<a href="" class="lanyrd-topbar lanyrd-type-attending" rel="me">See my conferences on Lanyrd</a>

If you’re a speaker, you could use:

<a href="" class="lanyrd-topbar lanyrd-type-speaking" rel="me">See my conferences on Lanyrd</a>

Further instructions and options are available on the Lanyrd web site.

See you in Boston!

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